Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy Birthday Josh!

So. I've mentioned a couple times this new man in my life. For his birthday, I decided it was time to dedicate a blog to him.

Let me begin with his name, Josh. A.K.A Dodoy or Doy for short. Everyone in our ward knows him as Doy, therefore that is what I call him. Why Doy you ask? Well, it was on his bucket list to have a nickname so his roommate Kay (Sam) and him picked nicknames and introduced them as such. Ever since it stuck. Why Dodoy was picked? No one knows.

So basically the first word that comes to mind when I think about Doy is happiness. He makes me so happy and together we can have an insane amount of fun no matter what we do. Here are some of our most creative dates:

Our first date we made box forts and threw plastic fruit at the other 2 couples. It was way fun. I have terrible aim though. If we got hit with fruit the only way to revive yourself was to hold hands (waffle style mind you) with your date for 10 seconds. Smooth boys.
We are so awkward..
We like to bake brownies, muffins, and anything yummy really. Somehow we always end up looking like this when we cook or bake together. He spills every meal and has stained 2 of my shirts. He would add that I spill a lot too, but that's not true. Ok, maybe a little bit true..

On Memorial Day my roommate Alex and I woke up to the smell of bacon because our boyfriends had surprised us with a delicious breakfast! They won major good boyfriend points that day. Oh but then Doy lost a few when he gave me a bloody nose. Someone started a tickle fight which I was not participating in but if you know Doy then you know he loses all control of his body when he is tickled. I was a little too close to him as he started to flail around and got an elbow to the face. He knew what to do though, he ran (like literally ran) and got me a Diet Coke, extra ice, with a little Coke at the top. He quickly earned back good boyfriend points.

Reenactment of the injury. 

One of my favorite things we have done together was totally his idea. We went a got pillow cases and he told me to draw a face on mine and he drew a face on his. He wouldn't fill me in on what we were doing with these pillow cases until I was actually doing it. He told me to fold my arms and put them over my head and then he put the pillow case on me and put his jacket zipped up around my waist. He then told me to dance, so without many questions I danced. My roommates and him were laughing and I had no clue what was going on but just doing what I was told and danced. Our roommates helped set us both up in out pillow cases and we went door to door and danced for people. No one thought it was quite as hilarious as we thought it was, but we had a blast doing it.

There are so many other fun memories with this handsome man but I simply can't share all of them in one blog. I'm so grateful to have such a fun, hard-working, and good-looking man in my life. I'm excited to see what the future brings for us. Happy Birthday Josh! 

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