working the middle part with bangs Sara. |
My Senior year Mormon Prom. I know odd event to pick but let me explain. I had recently torn my ACL and for some silly reason insisted on wearing heels to Prom. Oh yea, because my date was probably 6'2''. My parents were out of town or something and so Sara volunteered to be my parent to tag along and take pictures. Late, we arrived at the picture taking spot to find that I had to go down this steep hill to meet the other people in my group. With my knee a wobbling Sara came to my aid and basically carried me down the hill. Giggling and secretly terrified we slowly and carefully got to the bottom of the hill. The rest of the picture taking portion she was the perfect fill-in mom, fixing my hair, snapping tons of pictures, helping me walk in my heals, and even mingling with the other parents. I choose this moment because I was proud to have such a supportive (figuratively and literally) sister who so willingly stepped in to take care of me. So thanks Sara for carrying down that hill and being supportive through all my endeavors.
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Too bad you can't even see the shoes I wore! |
Proud Moment #2:
BYU Graduation. Last month Sara graduated from BYU! What a great accomplishment! Although I may have secretly dreaded sitting through the list of names it was so worth it to hear hers! She couldn't have been more stunning. Our whole family beamed with pride as our little blonde strutted her stuff across that stage to receive her diploma. She has paved the way for me to graduate from BYU too. It's amazing that her little size 5 feet could leave such big footprints to follow in!
Story #1:
Christmas Eve one year. I'm not sure what year this was but I think it was her first Winter Break from BYU. That may be wrong. Anyways, we took to watching One Tree Hill like that whole break together and so Christmas Eve night after our annual party was over and our parents sent us to bed Sara started watching OTH in her bed. I'm not sure how it happened but we ended up watching a couple episodes together in her bed. Now this was significant to me because Sara never really allowed me in her room or close to her really. So I felt honored to be able to have sister bonding time in the same bed! That has gone down as one of the best Christmas Eves ever in my book. Ever since then our relationship has grown stronger and stronger and I couldn't be more grateful to that.
Sara's Photo shoot from last Christmas |
Story #2:
When I was probably ten me and my best friend had gotten into our first fight ever. I was taking it really hard as my dramatic 10 year old self would, and I went home upset. Sara had her friends over making a movie or something I'm sure and I snuck down to silently observe even though I knew she hated that. Sara in her observant way noticed I was upset and pulled me aside and asked what was wrong. I have never forgotten that simple experience because before then I always felt like the annoying younger sister, well because I was annoying. Ever since a young age Sara has always ben sensitive to others feelings has known what to say and how to help. I am so grateful to have such an observent and caring sister that I can count on.
Story #3:
Let's end with a good one. When I was little Sara and I were getting ready for bed one night brushing our teeth with our fancy electric toothbrushes. Minding my own business I was throughly brushing the few teeth I did have, then to my surprise I feel a sharp pain atop my pretty little head. What was the pain? Well it was the fruits of young Sara's curiosity, her electric toothbrush caught up in my hair. She had looked at her toothbrush and wondered, "What would happen if I put this in Annie's hair while it was still on? Let's find out!" I had a nice Alfalfa ratted piece of hair sticking straight out of my head. There was no way of brushing that thing out so Mom had to cut it out. So I was forced to live like my father for a few weeks and have a little bald spot on my head. Thanks Sara for teaching me that you should follow your curiosity where ever it leads you. Even if it does cause pain and embarrassment to others. That was the lesson you were teaching me right?
Wish we had a picture of this one.. |
Happy Birthday Beautiful. I love you and couldn't be prouder to have such a stunning, smart, and just perfect older sister.
This is so tender. Love you both.