It's amazing to me how everything little thing in my life has been taken care of. Things were all up in the air for a while and now they are falling into place. I am so grateful for a God who has a plan for me and has provided me with ways to achieve and follow that plan. I am so grateful for an older brother who has made it possible for me to become all that my Heavenly Father knows I can become. Without my Savior I would not be where I am today and I would not have the ability to reach my full potential. I am amazed everyday how involved my Savior and my Heavenly Father are in my life.
Now that was all very cryptic and vague. But here are my tentative plans for my life:
Stay at BYU for Winter Semester, go home for Spring and get my Mission Papers ready and hopefully sent in and receive my call in May, go to AFRICA with Help International to serve the people in Uganda, and then serve my Lord on a full-time mission in September.
AHHHHH!!! HOW INCREDIBLY EXCITING AND AMAZING IS THAT PLAN?! I keep asking myself, "is this real life?" It seems like I have a 2 years of service to look forward to and I am so excited! Now this plan is tentative but it feels so right right now and I am scared but mostly so excited that I can't think about anything else. GOD IS SO GOOD.
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