Boys are good.
Good at toying with hearts.
Good at leading on.
Good at playing games.
Just good.
So here's to the girls who get toyed with, lead on, and played.
Here's to the girls who let their hearts be toyed with,
only to be tossed aside for the next, new, shiny toy.
Here's to the girls who follow in the hopes of being lead into a relationship,
but get lead right back where she was, alone.
Here's to the girls who play the games in hopes of winning,
but never do.
Here's to the girls who work extra hard in the mornings to look pretty,
but never get noticed.
Here's to the girls who wait patiently for the right boy to come along,
but he's late, or never shows.
Here's to the girl who is trying so hard to get over him,
but he wont let her.
Here's to the girls who fall hopelessly,
and aren't caught.
Here's to the girls who get right back up,
only to be dropped again.
Here's to the girls who have no hope at all,
because their parents didn't give them any.
Here's to the girls who want to love someone else so badly,
they can't love themselves.
Here's to the girls just trying to get by.
Head up girls,
boys turn into men.
Well most of them anyway.
Disclaimer: Don't worry about me and this semi-sad blogpost. I was inspired by this other article I read about the "nice guys." This is not all based on my life. Just thought the girls needed some credit.
Thank you for making my day <3 love this so much.