It's crazy to think that I am only two weeks away from coming home and being completely done with Summer Term here at BYU. It has flown by! Honestly I feel like I just barely graduated from High School. Which I kind of just did graduate.. Anyways here are a few Highlights-
My roommate Makenzie. :) I'll admit I was really nervous with how we would get along. I even tried to switch. (Again, I am sorry Kenz..) But I am so happy I switched BACK to her. She is crazy, a tad clumsy, kind, funny, and has an infectious laugh. I will never forget her bursts of laughter while watching the Office and "doing her math homework" at the same time. Just out of nowhere she busts up laughing and her laugh just fills the whole room. It's the best. I am so glad things worked out between us. I love her. :)
She made me dye my hair red for the Harry Potter Midnight showing. She was Hagrid. :) |
2. The other girls in my hall.They are so fun and are always looking for something exciting to do. It's great to be in a hall where all your friends are. Even though me and Kenzie can't get them to leave our room it's still so fun that we are the room where everyone comes to talk and just hang out. They are all just so fun.
3. Las Vegas Trip. So much fun. It was fun to get to hang with my sister and meet her friends and of course, go see Celine Dion in concert. It was so amazing and I love it. Although it was ridiculously hot and there were a little too many stories of London overall it was a very fun and exciting trip. And I'll admit I cried a little in the beginning of Celine Dion. What an amazing weekend. :)
Seesterr before Celine |
Family. I absolutely love being close to my extended family. I've never lived close to my extended family so it's a new thing. But I love it. It's nice to know that if I ever need anything I can go to anyone in my family and ask for help. It's fun to go to family things like Sunday Dinner, birthday parties, and whatever else the family does together. I feel like I am actually becoming friends with my family instead of just being family that visits every once in a while. I'm excited for this trend to continue.
Parker and I at a family dinner :) |
Overall this Summer has been very good. I am so glad I came to BYU Summer and that I met the people I met. I am super excited to go home but also a little sad to have Summer Term here at BYU to be over.
*9 days until I return to lovely Virginia*
OH MY GOSH. haggy archived for even further embarrassment. still, 'tis appreciated :)