Well hello bloggers. I realized that since our city life experience is half over I'm way overdue for a blog update.
We love DC. We love using public transportation, walking, getting our groceries delivered (thanks safeway.com), downsizing to a studio apartment, and getting a taste of life after BYU.
I'm finishing up my experience at Mann Elementary School and will be starting at Wilson High this week. It's definitely a bittersweet feeling leaving Mann. I've had such a great experience there with a great Mentor and kids. I have improved and learned a lot. I was so convinced that Elementary was the level I wanted to teach
but after getting a better taste of teaching at this level I'm not too convinced. I loved it but it was not without it's tough days. The amount of management and patience that is needed is ridiculous. For that reason I am feeling ready to start at Wilson. I'm sure it will be a whole different experience which makes me both nervous and excited. I hope that the learning curve doesn't hit me too hard. I'll be coaching lacrosse too which I am very excited about. Finally getting back into lax! But that also means that my days will be longer and more planning. Yay! It will all be worth it I'm sure.

Josh is enjoying his internship and is learning a lot. He comes home and informs me about the new projects he is working on along with the acronyms he is learning. I just love that I get to see him in a suit everyday. That boy can sure clean up nice! He is also busy with his class that is part of the program. He has papers and lots of reading to complete each week. He handles it all pretty well and somehow we still make time to eat out as much as we do.
And we do eat out far too much. But it's so hard when we are surrounded by so many awesome places that we feel obligated to try! We keep saying that our lives have started to revolve around food and it really isn't that bad of a way to live, except for our depleting bank account... We are also serving in the nursery at our church which is an adventure. There are no more than 5 kids every week so it's really not all bad. I am just missing my time with adults. But I get snack at church so who am I to complain?
Recently our plans have changed for the summer after Josh found out the classes he needs aren't offered in the summer so he will have to take classes in the fall. I'll still graduate in August but Josh will finish in December. He has started applying to internships in Utah and I've started job searching as well. We are also apartment hunting which is terribly frustrating and difficult to do thousands of miles away.
But, not to worry, things work out.
That's the latest and greatest!