These two lovebirds are flying off to live in DC for 4 months! We are so excited to go back to where we got engaged! (And I'm really excited to move close to home for a couple months!) So what is bringing us to DC you ask? Well, my extremely intelligent and handsome husband applied and got accepted to BYU's Washington Seminar Program where he will have the opportunity to learn about many different career options he has as an Economics major. He is currently still involved in the applying process for the possible internships but so far the prospects are looking good! With the program we got housing right in DC and we are so excited to try city life out. I will be doing my Student Teaching and a coaching internship. I'm still in the process of figuring out which school I'll be at, but somewhere in DC that's for sure! While I'm a little nervous about the prospect of teaching in such an urban school district I am continually gaining enthusiasm for the opportunity ahead.
After our DC adventure we will come back to Utah for me to finish up one class over the summer and Josh to finish his last semester in the fall. Then who knows where life will take us after that! It's both exciting and a little nerve-racking to have a future open to so many possibilities. But I think both of us have decided to go with exciting.
Also I'd just like to mention that Josh and I have almost been married a whole year. I can hardly believe how fast time has flown. It's been the best almost year of my life! (you can count on a mushy anniversary blog come Dec. 21)