Monday, January 27, 2014

What a Year...

I celebrated my 21st birthday yesterday and it got me reminiscing about how many amazing things have happened to me this past year. I mean truly amazing things. I started a journal last year and in my first entry I wrote, "I have a very strong feeling that this is going to be a great year." Boy was that inspired. Allow me to recap these life-changing events in some pictures.

The mission age was changed and I was heart-set on serving a mission along with my 2 best friends Makenzie and Alex. As you already know that plan quickly changed but Makenzie and Alex held true and are currently serving the Lord in New York and Brazil.

Then I pushed back my mission a couple months in order to fulfill my life-long dream of going to Africa! Although before I left I had already made the decision of not serving a mission and to prepare to for marriage! I spent an incredible month in Uganda learning and loving. 

Before I left Josh and I had made things pretty clear that when I got back we would soon be engaged. So 3 days after I got home from Uganda Josh surprised me in DC and proposed! 

We spent a semester planning and preparing, then were sealed Dec. 21st in the Salt Lake Temple and had 3 amazing receptions to celebrate! 

And now here I am, 21 and married to the perfect man. I want to say that I couldn't be happier but last time I said that I was proven wrong. So I guess I'll say that I am the happiest I have ever been. I can't wait to see what this year brings me. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Winter Wedding Break

I'll admit I've been avoiding my blog. So much has happened these past three weeks I am overwhelmed just thinking about attempting to summarize it all on one blog post. So..I guess I'm not going to. Sorry! 

Just know that Josh and I's weddings #1, 2, and 3 were incredible and I am the happiest girl alive. I am so ridiculously grateful to all who worked so so hard to make everything happen those 2 weeks of wedding craziness. I am overwhelmed by the amount of love and support Josh and I have received during our whole engaged and marriage process. Thank you just does not cut it. 

Married life is fabulous. I still struggle to believe that I'm living real life right now. I didn't know it was possible to be this happy! Josh is a great roommate, best friend, and husband. We are really enjoying married life. We think it's the bee's knees. 

Since I can't summarize the wedding weeks in words I will in pictures. Thanks Griffin Harrington and Kati Ann for capturing everything so beautifully! 

My dress had a big stain from Formals so my mom surprised me and replaced the
panel with the stain the week of the wedding. One of the best gifts I received. Thanks mom! 

Some of my BFFs flew all the way from VA to be there!
We got pedicures with my girls and my fancy flip flop broke while leaving..
Who says it's bad luck to see the bride the night before the wedding?

Getting ready with some of my bridesmaids the morning  of!
Bekah was skyping her brother on a mission and Emily was on a plane rushing over! 

Of course a Snapchat was necessary. 

Just sassin it up with my favorite girls. 
At the Reception my Dad surprised me with a tender video
that made everyone cry. Another perfect gift. 
Then we had the best dance party of my life. Even Grandpa danced all night long! 

Then to DC, so fun to see so many good friends from
high school come out to celebrate with us! 

Such a fun night! 

We finished up our celebrating in Colorado with yet another amazing reception! 
Again thanks to everyone who made all this not only possible but perfect! Josh and I are eternally grateful!