Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I Love to See the Temple

Tomorrow I am getting on a plane to fly home for the weekend! I am really excited. I'm going home for 2 bridal showers and most importantly to go through the Temple! I am so excited for the whole weekend.

Going through the Temple means that I receive my endowments. Receiving my endowments means that I make covenants with God and He in turn makes covenants with me in which I am entitled to blessings if I keep those covenants. I feel ready and excited to make those covenants. While I don't know all that goes on in the temple I do know that it is all ordained of God.

In preparation to receive my endowments I had to have an interview with my Bishop and my Stake President. My Stake President said something that I loved, his advice to me was to "chill and feel." He reminded me of a song I learned when I was a little girl called "I love to see the Temple" the words go like this-
I love to see the temple.
I'm going there someday
To feel the Holy Spirit,
To listen and to pray.
For the temple is a house of God,
A place of love and beauty.
I'll prepare myself while I am young;
This is my sacred duty.
I love to see the temple.
I'll go inside someday.
I'll covenant with my Father;
I'll promise to obey.
For the temple is a holy place
Where we are sealed together.
As a child of God, I've learned this truth:
A family is forever.
 This song pretty much sums up the purposes of the temple! I've had it stuck in my head all week. With all this wedding hoopla Josh and I have tried to remind each other that the most important part of the wedding is the Temple Sealing. If everything else goes wrong it doesn't matter. We will be sealed for all time and eternity blessed by Heavenly Father. That is what is most important.