Well. Where do I begin? I guess I'll do quick bullet points since I am so busy :)
- Basketball ended. It was the best decision I made. I love the team. And it might get me a scholarship. :) The boys won the District Championship Game and list in Regional Semi-Finals in a very close game. Although it was sad the boys still had a great season and I was so fortunate and proud to be a part of it. Check out herndonhoops.com
- Lacrosse started and I'm loving it. I love my team, my coach, and the sport itself. We are 2-1 right now and we are fired up to play hard and finally have the underdogs (us) win over the big dogs. Our coach took us all boxing at L.A. Boxing so we could "Float like a bee, and sting like a HORNET" (we are the Hornets). He is such a great coach. Love him. In 2 weeks we go to Hilton head and I cannot wait. Some great team bonding coming up! :)
- Senior year is winding down. I don't do anything too productive in classes and rarely ever have homework. It's nice, but it also makes me just ready to graduate. All the important learning is over so it's pretty lame at school right now.
- I GOT INTO BYU!! I am so happy. I did not think I was going to get in, I really didn't. But when I did, I was shocked! I am going to summer term which is kind of sad because I leave the day after graduation and miss my senior summer with all my friends but it'll be good to be able to have an easy semester to get to know the school and just make friends and play. I'm taking a golf class, (which I am really excited for) a Book of Mormon class, and a English class. So it should be pretty easy. It's all happening so fast, but I'm excited.

Well..that's all I can think of to write I'll try to do a better job. I just forget I have this. :)